Thousands prosecuted for dodging rail fares to have cases quashed

As many as 74,000 cases could be overturned following a key ruling by the UK's chief magistrate.
2024-08-15 13:07:12

No refunds in historic miscarriage of justice cases

Paul Blackburn is one of those told they will not be refunded money docked from their payouts.
2024-08-09 05:06:37

A day in court after the Rotherham riot

BBC News attends Sheffield Magistrates, following the cases of those charged with violent disorder.
2024-08-06 21:06:34

Nine whooping-cough deaths reported as cases rise

Experts worry this is a peak year for whooping cough, which is particularly dangerous for babies.
2024-07-11 14:08:38

Police record more cases of sexual abuse of children in Germany

Post Content
2024-07-08 16:09:40

Asda and Tesco face legal action over E. coli cases

Lawyers acting for two people who fell ill in the outbreak have started legal proceedings.
2024-06-28 19:07:43

Police detectives join election betting inquiry

Detectives will take the lead in cases where the alleged offence goes beyond a breach of gambling rules.
2024-06-27 04:06:31

What have we learned from the political betting saga?

Different cases are posing wider questions about the relationship between politics and gambling.
2024-06-26 20:08:04

Letter reveals the government admits misleading Parliament over cases of Afghan special forces.
2024-06-20 21:07:48

Letter reveals the government admits misleading Parliament over cases of Afghan special forces.
2024-06-20 18:07:47

Tiger mosquitoes behind dengue fever rise in Europe

Concerning rise in dengue fever cases as climate change pushes mosquitoes further north, warn experts.
2024-06-12 03:06:38

Gonorrhoea cases reach record high in England

Syphilis, meanwhile, rose 9.4% last year, with more heterosexual men and women becoming infected.
2024-06-04 19:08:55

Widespread NHS computer issues linked to patient harm

IT failures have been linked to the deaths of three patients and more than 100 cases of serious harm.
2024-05-30 03:06:27

Melanoma skin cancer cases rising in UK

The biggest increase is among the over 80s, with a marked rise in cases in adults aged 25-49.
2024-05-27 02:06:57

Veteran sketch artists never seen a trial like Trump's

The sketch artists at Trump's trial have covered decades of high-profile cases. The former president's was unlike all others.
2024-05-25 03:06:15

Target to cut court backlog cannot be met, says watchdog

The National Audit Office says delays are affecting victims and risking cases collapsing.
2024-05-24 04:06:47

Disabled benefit claimants may have been mistreated

Probe will look into cases like Errol Graham's, who starved to death after his benefits were stopped.
2024-05-22 13:08:13

Cold case detectives vow to solve historic sex crimes

Forensic science advances are helping police to secure convictions in unsolved cases spanning 50 years.
2024-05-19 04:07:23

UN Commission documents cases of rape, torture by Russian troops in Ukraine

Post Content
2023-10-21 14:07:39

Bird flu infects penguins at famous wildlife haven

The first avian influenza cases in the penguins of South Georgia are reported by scientists.
2024-03-11 20:08:49

US health alert over malaria cases in Florida and Texas

Two states are seeing locally acquired cases- the first spread inside the US in 20 years.
2023-06-27 18:11:56

Vennells accused of false statement on postmasters

The former Post Office boss has been accused of giving a false statement about postmaster cases to a minister.
2024-04-10 19:09:05

Senior politicians are calling for Tom Hayes and Carlo Palombo to have their cases heard at the UK's final court of appeal.
2024-04-03 02:06:41

Trump's hush-money trial to hear opening arguments

Lawyers will outline their cases in front of jurors in the former president's historic criminal trial.
2024-04-22 14:09:36

Ireland to redesignate UK as 'safe' for asylum

It follows Irish government concerns that the UK's Rwanda policy is fuelling Irish asylum cases.
2024-04-30 17:08:06

PepsiCo sued by New York state for plastic pollution

The lawsuit against the world's second biggest food company is the latest in greenwashing cases against big firms.
2023-11-16 08:10:12

South West Water boss 'truly sorry' for parasite outbreak

Twenty-two cases of a diarrhoea-type illness confirmed in Devon as company says it's located the source of entry for parasites.
2024-05-17 12:09:40

Beperelte Magyarországot a Pfizer

A birtokába jutott bírósági dokumentumok alapján arról számolt be a Politico, hogy a koronavírus-vakcinákat gyártó Pfizer
2023-12-05 19:07:03

Beperelte a magyar államot a Pfizer a koronavírus-vakcinák miatt

A Pfizer és a BioNTech beperli a magyar kormányt a COVID-19 vakcina kifizetetlen, mintegy 60 millió euró értékű szállítása miatt - írta a Politico.
2023-12-05 20:07:16

Rekord mértékben hamisítják a népszerű élelmiszert Európában

Az idei év első negyedévében az Európai Unióban rekordszámú olívaolaj-csalási és címkehamisítási esetet regisztráltak. Az inflációs nyomás és az éghajlati válság okozta szélsőséges időjárás egyaránt hozzájárultak a konyhai alapanyag rejtett piacának növekedéséhez, ugyanis az olívaolaj nagyon drágává vált - tudósított a The Guardian.
2024-07-29 14:07:12

Letartóztatták az álügyvédet, aki mind a 26 ügyét megnyerte, bár sohasem szerzett jogi diplomát

Bár eddig mind a 26 rábízott pert megnyerte, úgy tűnik, a kenyai Brian Mwenda ezt úgy érte el, hogy korábban sohasem szerzett jogi diplomát. A vád szerint a férfi egy ugyanolyan nevű, valódi ügyvéd adataival élt vissza ? írja a BBC. Egy Brian Mwenda Ntwiga nevű jogász 2022 augusztus 5-én regisztrált a kenyai jogászkamara (Law Society of Kenya ? LSK) online rendszerében. Mivel a főállamügyész hivatalában kezdett el dolgozni, nem váltotta ki az ügyvédi praxis indításához szükséges engedélyét, a kamarai regisztrációjára pedig több mint egy évig rá sem nézett. Csak 2023 szeptemberében próbált újra...
2023-10-18 13:08:09

Trump indictments: A very simple guide to his four big legal cases

His courtroom problems are mounting as he campaigns to become president again in the 2024 election.
2023-08-25 02:44:36

Gaza's hospitals treating emergency cases only as fuel runs low

Hospitals warn that life-saving equipment will soon stop working without fuel for their generators.
2023-10-25 23:07:05

Republic Of Congo reports its first mpox virus cases, in several regions

Post Content
2024-03-14 16:09:19

Antarctic scientists warn of bird flu spread as penguin cases confirmed

Post Content
2024-03-14 20:09:06

Trump pushes legal challenges in two cases

Mr Trump's legal team want a district attorney removed in one case and a gag order limited in another.
2024-03-30 02:07:00

HPV vaccine stops 90% of cervical cancer cases

England began vaccinating teenage girls in 2008 and results show it is paying off.
2024-05-16 13:08:55


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