Long-doubted by Democrats, Kamala Harris faces her biggest political moment

Many in the party never thought she would be a viable presidential candidate, but that didn't stop her from preparing.
2024-08-18 04:15:23

Biden explains why he dropped out of White House race

The president says his candidacy would have been a "real distraction" for Democrats and that his highest priority was to defeat Donald Trump.
2024-08-11 21:07:51

Biden explains why he dropped out of White House race

The president says his candidacy would have been a "real distraction" for Democrats and that his highest priority was to defeat Donald Trump.
2024-08-11 20:08:21

Katty Kay: Trump fights for spotlight as Democrats dominate coverage

A shake up for the Democrats has led to an attention deficit for Trump - an unusual position for the ex-president.
2024-08-09 09:10:22

First debate showdown between Trump and Harris set for September

The debate on ABC News will mark the first time the rivals will square off since Harris became Democrats' presidential nominee
2024-08-09 00:07:11

Harris dares Trump to debate her - 'Donald, say it to my face'

She addressed 10,000 supporters in Georgia, a key swing state that Democrats hope to win with her on the ticket.
2024-07-31 16:21:42

What Biden quitting means for Harris, the Democrats and Trump

The announcement by Joe Biden has upended the 2024 White House race. Here are three key things to know.
2024-07-22 00:07:16

Biden vows to run as more Democrats ask him to drop out

President Joe Biden's campaign reiterated on Friday that the president is staying in the race.
2024-07-19 23:06:42

Democratic mood darkens as Biden faces new pressure

A new poll shows Trump with his biggest lead of the campaign, as high-level Democrats are reportedly expressing fresh concern.
2024-07-19 10:09:28

Democratic mood darkens as Biden faces new pressure

A new poll shows Trump with his biggest lead of the campaign, as high-level Democrats are reportedly expressing fresh concern.
2024-07-19 04:06:25

Top Democrat Schiff calls on Biden to 'pass the torch'

Schiff, a California congressman, is one of the most prominent Democrats yet to publicly call for the president to step aside.
2024-07-17 20:08:06

Pressure builds on Biden as news conference fails to stop rebels

Some Democrats have urged Joe Biden to step aside after a news briefing in which he was steady but made more verbal flubs.
2024-07-12 14:11:16

Biden's bruising day sinks hopes Democrats will move on

2024-07-11 05:06:54

Biden's bruising day sinks hopes Democrats will move on

2024-07-11 02:07:22

Top Democratic fundraiser Clooney calls on Biden to drop out

Hollywood star joins growing list of donors and senior Democrats questioning president's fitness.
2024-07-10 20:08:43

Top Democratic fundraiser Clooney calls on Biden to drop out

Hollywood star joins growing list of donors and senior Democrats questioning president's fitness.
2024-07-10 19:08:00

Democrats look to Kamala Harris - but could she beat Trump?

As Joe Biden fights to stay as his party's nominee, some say his unpopular vice-president is the right person to take over.
2024-07-09 16:08:54

More senior Democrats privately urge Biden to step aside

The group reportedly voiced concerns in a call about the president's fitness to win the US election.
2024-07-08 12:10:13

Democrats weigh risks and rewards of losing Biden

Concern over Mr Biden's re-election effort has reached fever pitch as some lawmakers express doubts.
2024-07-08 09:08:09

Democrats weigh risks and rewards of losing Biden

Concern over Mr Biden's re-election effort has reached fever pitch. Is there a better option?
2024-07-07 21:11:37

Democrats and Republicans share core values but still distrust each other

Post Content
2023-06-14 13:11:03

Arizona Senate votes to repeal 1864 abortion ban

Two Republicans join Democrats to repeal law brought back to life by state's supreme court.
2024-05-01 23:06:38

Going, going, gone: Ed Davey takes a dip in Windermere

The Liberal Democrats leader was paddleboarding on Lake Windermere in the Lake District.
2024-05-28 13:08:57

US Senate manoeuvres around Tommy Tuberville's abortion objections

The senator, who began holding up military appointments in February, argues that Democrats have caved.
2023-09-21 10:18:44

Congressman Dean Phillips launches 'moon shot' primary challenge to Biden

Minnesota Rep Dean Phillips' bid comes amid flagging poll numbers for Joe Biden among Democrats.
2023-10-27 18:09:17

Biden approves new section of border wall as Mexico crossings rise

Building a border wall was a signature policy of Donald Trump and fiercely opposed by Democrats.
2023-10-05 12:21:45

Biden approves new section of border wall as Mexico crossings rise

Building a border wall was a signature policy of Donald Trump and fiercely opposed by Democrats.
2023-10-05 12:22:32

Amerikai elnökválasztás: visszalépésre szólították fel Joe Bident, reagált az elnök

Joe Biden amerikai elnök a kongresszusi demokrata politikusokhoz intézett levelében határozottan kijelentette, hogy folytatni fogja elnökjelölti kampányát. A 81 éves elnök arra is felszólította párttársait, hogy "fejezzék be" a demokratákat megosztó belharcot arról, hogy lecseréljék-e Bident a június 27-i vitán nyújtott teljesítménye tükrében - írja az AP.
2024-07-08 16:08:23

Nincs nyugta Bidennek: újabb párttársa nyugdíjaztatná az elnököt

Raúl Grijalva arizonai kongresszusi képviselő szintén arra kérte Joe Biden amerikai elnököt, hogy lépjen vissza a 2024-es elnökválasztástól. Ezzel Grijalva lett a második hivatalban lévő demokrata törvényhozó, aki nyilvánosan szólította fel erre Bident, aki egyelőre kitart a versenyben maradás mellett - írja a Hill.
2024-07-04 11:08:53

150 éve nem látott támadást indított Trump pártja Biden embere ellen, pár óra alatt elbukott az akció

Miután a republikánus többségű képviselőház továbbította a demokrata Alejandro Mayorkas belbiztonsági miniszter elleni vádiratot, a szenátus tegnap rövidre zárta azok tárgyalását: a demokrata többség alkotmányellenesnek nyilvánította mindkét vádpontot, és ejtették azokat. A republikánusok heves kritikával illették a lépést - írja a CBS News.
2024-04-18 10:08:08

Alig ment le a színpadról, máris újabb demokraták támadták be Biden kampányát

Joe Biden amerikai elnök tegnapi sajtótájékoztatója nem járt azzal, hogy csökkent volna azon párttársai száma, akik szerint jobban tenné a demokrata elnök, ha átadná a stafétát. A CBS News szerint a következő napokban akár több tucatnyian is csatlakozhatnak a Biden visszalépését kérők csoportjához.
2024-07-12 12:10:09

Amerikai elnökválasztás: recseg-ropog Biden kampánya, vezető demokraták kérik az elnököt, hogy lépjen vissza

Az Axios írta meg, hogy négy vezető képviselőházi demokrata is visszalépésre szólította fel Joe Biden amerikai elnököt annak a megbeszélésnek a keretében, amelyet Hakeem Jeffries, a demokraták képviselőházi vezetője hívott össze. Ezzel kilencre nőtt azon kongresszusi demokraták száma, akik szerint Biden jobban tenné, ha nem indulna újra az elnökségért.
2024-07-08 10:07:05

Ukrajnai segély: szorul a hurok a pártvezető nyaka körül, de váratlan helyről kaphat mentőövet

Bár az Egyesült Államok képviselőháza szombaton megszavazta az Ukrajnának 61 milliárdos támogatást tartalmazó segélycsomagot, nem valószínű, hogy Mike Johnson republikánus házelnök problémái egyhamar csillapodnának. A hétvégén az elmozdítására tett javaslatot benyújtó párttársa továbbra is kilátásba helyezte a megbuktatását, a demokraták azonban egyre nyitottabbnak tűnnek az iránt, hogy ők biztosítsák Johnson túlélését - számol be az NBC News.
2024-04-22 10:09:26

RFK Jr.?s Super PAC Raises $11.3 Million After He Leaves Democrats

Post Content
2023-10-10 21:48:34

Tuberville claims wars in Ukraine, Gaza were ?created? by Democrats

Post Content
2023-10-28 04:06:54

Democrats backed into a corner over Biden's performance

Prominent voices in the Democratic Party are openly criticising the president's performance as the campaign focuses on Trump's "lies."
2024-06-28 09:08:35

Katty Kay: Reality sinks in as Democrats weigh Biden's future

Democratic officials, political operatives and people close to the president paint a picture of an anxious party after the debate.
2024-06-28 22:08:48

Liberal Democrats win last UK seat to declare result

Angus MacDonald won in Inverness, Skye and West Ross-shire where the declaration was delayed by two recounts.
2024-07-06 19:07:28

Biden's interview fails to quell Democrats' concerns about his fitness

A day after the interview, a fifth Democratic member of Congress has called on him to end his bid for re-election.
2024-07-06 20:07:08


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